Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Abdolhaji Mirhejazi's Naturmobil : A New Way To Think About Horse Power




No, you’re eyes are not deceiving you. This vehicle really runs on genuine horsepower, and it even has a patent! Whoever thought mankind would return to the horse as inspiration for transportation alternatives, in the effort to free us from oil dependency? Well, Dubai-based Iranian inventor Abdolhadi Mirhejazi has done just that with his DIY Naturmobil from Fleethorse, LLC, which has been getting some press over the past year, for its shall we say, innovative approach to transportation design. With top speeds of up to 80 km/h the vehicle operates with a horse walking on a slightly inclined conveyor belt, which moves the gears serving six motorcycle wheels, with enough energy left over, to power a small battery for headlights and to act as backup power when the horse gets fatigued and needs to rest (the horse is constantly monitored to keep track of body temperature and heart rate). This process can even maintain enough power to run two LCD monitors on the side of the vehicle, for video advertisements. As you can imagine, a project like this needs constant funding for development, so Mirhejazi and his marketing manager are seeking investors, and planning to exhibit the Naturmobil at the upcoming Invention and New Product Exhibition in Pittsburg, California this coming June.

Although this may not be the most practical solution to oil dependency and auto-based pollution, it certainly offers a unique take on how we could design our modes of transportation to have less negative environmental impact, rather than sticking with the status quo. You never know, by implementing some rigorous lateral thinking, concepts like this may lead the R&D teams at Toyota, Honda and GM, to come up with radical new technologies for the cars of the future. Probably without the horses though…

Via XPRESS of Dubai

5 komentar: mengatakan...

ihhh keren kuda naik mobil khusus, kalah dnk

tes mengatakan...

keren bang! kira-kira kalo kuda nya diganti gajah pasti lebih keren ^_^

Madu Nektar mengatakan...

@ifat ... ya tar kan gak da bensin, jadi mobilnya di modif jadi sperti itu

@Mas Ardhi ... kalo diganti gajah tar mobilnya cuma 2km/jam ... repot tuh ... ;-)

Elsa mengatakan...

ide cemerlang tuh!!!!

tapi kasihan kan kudanya....

Madu Nektar mengatakan...

yup ... banyak orang lebih pinter dari kita ya ....

btw ..welcome sist ..